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December 28, 2023

How to Select a Sprinkler Pump for Smart Irrigation

What is an irrigation pump? An irrigation pump is a device used to supply water for irrigation purposes. It helps provide a steady and controlled flow of water to agricultural fields, gardens, or landscape areas. The pump draws water from a water source, such as a well, river, or reservoir, and delivers it to the irrigation system through pipes or hoses.  

This ensures that plants receive the necessary amount of water for their growth and development. Irrigation pumps come in various types, including centrifugal pumps, submersible pumps, and turbine pumps, each suitable for different applications and water sources. 

With that said, how does an irrigation pump affect a smart irrigation system? To answer this question, we need to understand the full scope of the role irrigation pumps play in your irrigation system.  

Water Supply 

We need to look at the irrigation pump as a sort of “go between” connecting your landscape with your water source. The irrigation pump serves as the conduit or means of transporting water from the water source to the property. It draws water from a water source, such as a well, reservoir, or river, and delivers it through pipes, hoses, or channels to the desired location on the property where irrigation is needed.  

The pump creates the necessary pressure and flow to move the water efficiently and effectively for irrigation purposes. It acts as a connecting link between the water source and the property, ensuring that water is supplied to the irrigation system for distribution and watering of plants or landscapes. 

Pressure Regulation 

To carry on that thought, it’s important to understand more about the pressure that the irrigation pump creates to bring the water to your landscape. Not all irrigation pumps are inherently designed to ensure even water distribution. The responsibility for achieving uniform water distribution lies more with the overall irrigation system design, including the selection and placement of sprinklers, valves, and pipes.  

You need to understand what type of pressure is needed for your landscape and your water source. Here are just a few examples of the different kinds of pumps available for different kinds of landscapes and water sources:  

  1. Centrifugal Pumps: Centrifugal pumps are versatile and widely used in irrigation systems. They rely on centrifugal force to move water and are suitable for various landscapes, including residential gardens, small farms, and commercial properties. These pumps can handle medium-to-high flow rates and provide moderate pressure. 
  1. Submersible Pumps: Submersible pumps are designed to be submerged in water, typically placed in wells or reservoirs. They are ideal for deep water sources and are commonly used in agricultural irrigation, large-scale landscapes, and municipal irrigation systems. Submersible pumps can handle high flow rates and deliver water at higher pressures. 
  1. Turbine Pumps: Turbine pumps are used for high-capacity applications, such as large agricultural fields, golf courses, and industrial irrigation. They operate by rotating impellers, generating high-pressure water. Turbine pumps are capable of delivering water over long distances and are well-suited for landscapes with extensive irrigation requirements. 
  1. Propeller Pumps: Propeller pumps are commonly used in flood irrigation or open-channel systems. They are designed to move a large volume of water with low-to-medium pressure. Propeller pumps are suitable for flat landscapes or areas with surface water sources, such as flooded fields, ponds, or lakes. 
  1. Diaphragm Pumps: Diaphragm pumps, also known as positive displacement pumps, are used for precise and controlled irrigation. They are often employed in greenhouse irrigation, hydroponics, or drip irrigation systems. Diaphragm pumps provide low flow rates and can operate at low pressures, making them suitable for small-scale and highly efficient irrigation applications. 

Please be aware of what you need so you can get the right pump for your property. This will be essential to understanding control.  

Zone Control 

You need to be able to water ALL your landscape. That’s why it’s important that you have all the coverage that you will need through your irrigation pump (i.e. find the right pump for you).  

An irrigation pump plays a crucial role in achieving full zone control in a smart irrigation system. By integrating the pump with smart irrigation technology, you can enhance your control over individual irrigation zones and optimize water usage. Here’s some features that will assist your smart irrigation system.  

As you can see, your irrigation pump is essential to getting full control of your irrigation system and making sure you are watering precisely and efficiently.  

Team up with Smart Rain 

The importance of the system connected to your irrigation pump is essential to understand. Conventional systems are no longer the efficient or effective way to water your property. They are outdated and provide little to no control over your irrigation system. But with a Smart Rain smart irrigation system, you can take charge of your irrigation. You’ll be able to set up an irrigation strategy that will cover every corner of your property. Plus, Smart Rain will water your landscape better, and still use less water, saving you time, water and money. Call us and see how Smart Rain can make your irrigation system work for you! 

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