Best of State announced its selection of Smart Rain as a medal winner of innovation awards for Smart Buildings, Environment Impact and Small Business in Utah Wednesday night. This prestigious award is only given to the top performing business service providers in the State of Utah. The categories Smart Rain was judged on where; general service practices, innovation of services and community service and development. Smart Rains innovation towards smart irrigation controller technology and efforts to conserve fresh water is second to none. Over the last year Smart Rain has spent considerable efforts towards there new upcoming release of their new controller and software applications. Rudy Larsen Founder of Smart Rain said “There have been many late nights creating our new ideas and putting those into action. I’m grateful for our team and their efforts in making all this happen. They deserve the recognition from Best of State”. If you're curious to know what innovation awards Smart Rain has won, visit us to learn about smart irrigation controllers and how you can save 30-50% on your water bill and conserve water resources. Click Here to know what more you can do to help conserve energy and water resourcs.Innovation Awards For Smart Rain