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November 6, 2023

Irrigation Monitoring: Control Your Irrigation System

Irrigation monitoring is no easy task. On commercial properties, you are constantly looking to protect your assets and ensure that they hold value. When it comes to irrigation, it may be a little tricky to know if your actions are actually making a difference. Here’s a few questions you may be asking yourself:  

In this article, we are going to answer these questions, so you know exactly what is important when it comes to monitoring your irrigation system.  

Do you even need data? 

If you want to efficiently water your commercial property, then yes, you do want irrigation monitoring data. Data can help you make informed decisions on future watering. By tracking the moisture levels and temperature in different areas of your commercial property, you'll know when your property needs more water and when it needs less. 

With real-time data, you can identify any potential leaks or malfunctions in your irrigation system before they become bigger problems. And let's face it, fixing a small leak is way more cost-effective than replacing an entire damaged irrigation system. 

But perhaps the most significant advantage of using data for irrigation monitoring is its ability to adapt to your property's changing landscape. As seasons and weather patterns shift, so will your irrigation needs. By regularly analyzing data, you can fine-tune your system to meet those changing demands, ensuring your plants are always getting the right amount of water. 

Irrigation monitoring is possible with Smart Rain.

What data should I be monitoring? 

Water Bill 

Most water bills will break down your usage by month, and some may even break it down by specific days. Take note of any spikes in usage or patterns that seem out of the ordinary. Irrigation monitoring can give you an idea of when you may have had a leak or used more water than usual. 

Speaking of leaks, your water bill can also help you identify them. If you notice a sudden increase in usage without any corresponding change in your business operations, it is possible that you have a leak. This could be as simple as a dripping faucet or as complex as a broken irrigation system. By catching these leaks early on, you can save yourself from a costly water bill and potential damage to your property. 

Another useful way to use your water bill for irrigation monitoring is to compare your current usage to previous months. Are you using more water now than you were a few months ago? If so, what has changed in your irrigation practices? Have you planted new landscaping or increased the frequency of watering? Through irrigation monitoring and identifying these changes, you can make adjustments to your irrigation and potentially save on your water bill. 

Many businesses have a set watering schedule for their landscaping without doing any sort of irrigation monitoring. While this may work well in terms of consistency, it may not be the most efficient use of water. Use your water bill to see if you are using more water on certain days of the week or at specific times. You may find that by adjusting your watering schedule, you can still maintain a healthy landscape while using less water. 

Weather Forecasts 

One of the essential factors to consider when using weather forecasts for irrigation monitoring is precipitation levels. If there has been recent rainfall, you may not need to water your property as much. On the other hand, if there has been a drought or little rain in the forecast, you may need to increase your watering. 

Keep an eye on the precipitation levels in your area and use that irrigation monitoring information to adjust your irrigation schedule accordingly. This will not only save water but also prevent over or under-watering of your plants. 

Evapotranspiration is the combined measurement of evaporation and transpiration, which refers to the process by which plants release water from their leaves. This factor is crucial to consider when using weather forecasts for irrigation monitoring. 

If there is a high evapotranspiration rate in your area, it means that your plants are losing water quickly and may need more water to stay healthy. On the other hand, if the evapotranspiration rate is low, your plants may not need as much water. This is just another example of why irrigation monitoring is so important.

Plant Information 

Different plants have different water requirements, so it's crucial to understand the watering needs of the plants on your property for irrigation monitoring. For example, a lawn may need more frequent watering than trees or shrubs. 

Once you know your plants' water needs, you can adjust your irrigation schedule accordingly based on the weather forecast. If there is rain in the forecast, you can skip a watering session and let nature do the work for you. If there is a heatwave predicted, you may need to increase the frequency of your watering. Just always make sure you irrigation monitoring is accurate and that your using that important data.

What tools are available for irrigation monitoring? 

If you want to take irrigation monitoring to the next level, consider investing in technology like Smart Rain that can help track and manage your usage. Smart Rain is a smart irrigation system that uses weather data and soil moisture sensors to adjust your watering schedule accordingly. Smart Rain can not only save you money on your water bill, but also helps conserve water by only using what is necessary. 

With Smart Rain's smart irrigation system, irrigation monitoring from anywhere, at any time becomes easy. This means no more worrying about over or under watering your plants, as you can make adjustments to your irrigation schedule in real-time based on the current weather conditions. Plus, with the bonus of saving water and reducing runoff, it's a win-win situation for you and the environment. 

But how exactly does Smart Rain's smart irrigation system help with irrigation monitoring? Let's break it down. First, the system utilizes advanced weather data to determine the optimal watering schedule for your specific location. This means that your plants will only receive the necessary amount of water they need, without any guesswork or manual adjustments from you. 

In addition, the system also uses soil moisture sensors to measure the moisture level in your plants' root zones. This data is then used to automatically adjust watering schedules and amounts based on your plant's needs. No more wasting water on already hydrated plants or stressing out over dry ones. 

But that's not all – with Smart Rain's smart irrigation monitoring system, you can also receive alerts and notifications to your phone or desktop on any potential issues with your irrigation system. Whether it's a broken sprinkler head or a leak, you can quickly address the problem before it becomes a costly disaster. 

With Smart Rain, you can begin to take confusion out of irrigation monitoring. Smart Rain can help you put data behind your irrigation decisions so you can begin to save time, water, and money. When it comes to irrigation, stop guessing, and get Smart Rain.  

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