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August 22, 2018

How Your High-Rise can Lower its Energy Use

You may run a high-rise, but that doesn’t mean your energy costs have to be sky-high as well. There are a few easy ways to lower them; take a look below.

Use Programmable Thermostats For Lower Energy Use

Why heat and cool space when it isn’t in use? Programmable thermostats can help you conserve energy use in meeting rooms, dining rooms and similar areas overnight. Even a few degrees of difference can mean significant energy savings.

Upgrade Your Air Conditioning

If you live in a warmer climate, one of the biggest drains on your energy use is likely your air conditioning. Simply by upgrading it, you can save up to 10 percent per year.

Check Your Water Usage

Water is another area ripe for energy savings. Imagine a high-tech system with flow sensing and consumption analysis – one that could even be integrated with your preferred landscaping partners. The amount of water you could save is only limited by how much you currently use! Invest in a smart irrigation controller to self regulate your water use.

The best smart controller for your lawn care and energy use needs

Switch To LED

If your common areas don’t already have LED lighting, now’s the time to make the switch. It’s estimated you can save between 10 and 20 percent by converting old incandescent and fluorescent lights to LED.

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